MyCognitiveHealth.Club: On January 22, 2020 I was diagnosed with Mild Cognitive Impairment-MCI. This was very concerning as both of my sisters have/are succumbing to dementia. At the time of this diagnosis my wife and I were advised to ‘get our affairs in order’ in preparation for my further degeneration of my cognitive abilities. Essentially the message was there was nothing that medicine could do for me, no big pharma magic bullet pill to take, etc. The one and only suggestion was to buy and practice what author Maggie Moon suggested in her book “The Mind Diet”.
https://www.amazon.ca/Mind-Diet-Scientific-Enhancing-Alzheimers/dp/1612436072/ref=sr_1_6?crid=6RJUR4EX1GDL&keywords=The+Mind+Diet&qid=1695831085&sprefix=the+mind+diet%2Caps%2C330&sr=8-6 Through the next couple of visits over the next 1.5 years my cognitive abilities got worse, but still my wife and I practiced the recommendations of “The Mind Diet”. Really what else could we do?
About two years into this at an appointment which included cognitive tests my doctor was shocked that my cognitive abilities had improved. In her practice this had NEVER happened before! With that improvement I was the very first patient to be discharged from care, after having been diagnosed with dementia. I was in shock, I could not process what had happened, however my doctor was so happy! It took me days to process this happy news.
Now years later my wife and I continue to practice wha is contained in “The Mind Diet” and I still suffer from short term memory & wayfinding issues, but I am optimistic about my life, and thought I would focus no providing some hope to other people though sharing my story and starting to research this topic. So I registered a domain mycognitivehealth.club and subrcibed on micro.blog, and this is my very first post on this topic.
Ted Ritzer
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